Components Close Up is a series of parts that I’ve photographed with the help of my microscope. Any parts are fair game for this series, but I prefer to look at parts that I can find datasheets about so that I can write a description about them. Clicking the links below will take you to a page with more pictures of each part, along with a link to the datasheet, if available.

Use the search bar below to quickly filter through the listings. Popular terms include things like MEMS or LED.

Components Close Up (CCU)

#0248: Balanced Switching Crosspoint Array

#0247: DSP Microcomputer (Dr. Robotnik)

#0246: RF Dual Frequency Synthesizer

#0245: MEMS Microphone

#0244: Stereo ADC w/ Mic Preamp

#0243: Nokia MAD2

#0242: Dual 1:4 Buffered Driver

#0241: Super I/O + Hardware Monitor

#0240: PA-RISC Microprocessor

#0239: Evacuated Miniature Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator

#0238: High Frequency Amplifier

#0237: 16-Channel, 16-bit ADC

#0236: Hybrid Ceramic Circuit

#0235: LAN Encryption Chip

#0234: Shift Register Array

#0233: MicroVax CPU

#0232: 512KB Static RAM

#0231: Triple Transistor

#0230: hyperSPARC™ MCM

#0229: Intel 4-bit CPU

#0228: Octal Buffer & Line Drivers

#0227: Soviet Era Microcircuit

#0226: Wideband Hybrid Amplifier

#0225: Ancient White Ceramic PLA Device

#0224: MEMS Optical Attenuator

#0223: OP07 Operational Amplifier





















#0202: High Sensitivity Ambient Light Sensor

#0201: MMIC WiMAX Driver Amplifier


Number 135

2048-bit Static Read Only Memory

Number 072

High Power LED Array

Number 071

MEMS Microphone

Number 070

4-Character 16 Segment Alphanumeric Display

Number 069

NuvoTon Silicon Die

Number 068

RGBW Color Sensor

Number 067

Real Time Clock Module with Battery Backup

Number 066

Real Time Clock Module

Number 065

150 MHz Operational Amplifier

Number 064

Dual-Axis MEMS Accelerometer

Number 063

4-Megabit CMOS EPROM

Number 062

PlayStation CD Laser & Photodiodes

Number 061

Gigabit Ethernet Transformer

Number 060

10W Infrared LED array

Number 059

Omnidirectional MEMS Microphone


Please be understanding as I work to add the remaining parts below! Thanks!

Number 047

MEMS Accelerometer